get rid of teenage acne

It should be that your teenage years should be remembered as filled with fun, socializing and hanging out with your friends, but for many of you, having acne spoils everything. Acne and blemishes can actually affect you psychologically and can even lead to depression in some cases. Most people know that acne and blemishes are much more common when you […]

What is the best diet to lose weight and fat?

We’ve all heard of those fad diets like the grapefruit diet or the apple diet. I am here to tell you diets that work. All those diets are fad, crash, “stupid” diets. A real diet contains a combination of muscle-building protein, energy-filling carbohydrates, and heart-healthy fats. To lose weight, ketosis is the best diet and it is not a fad. […]

correct way to lose weight

The right medicine for our body is the right diet, says dietitian Ritu Sharma of ‘Ritu’s Diet’ fame. What prompted me to write this article is the increase in the number of young people who come to my clinic (Ritu Diet) with numerous illnesses. A girl in her late teens came in with PCOD, Hyperthyroidism, high triglycerides, and obesity. Later […]

Weight loss after menopause

Even more reasons for older women (and probably men too) to not only lose weight; but keep the pounds off. A fascinating study on postmenopausal women finds that if they regain weight after losing postmenopausal weight, they don’t regain as much lean tissue as they lost, so the end result is more fat, even when they return to their original […]

How Much Protein Do I Really Need?

If you don’t exercise regularly, the answer to how much protein you need is pretty simple: government-recommended levels are more than adequate: around 0.3 to 0.4 grams per pound of body weight. However, if you’re lifting weights, running, biking (or engaging in any type of physical activity, for that matter), you should probably up your intake a bit. While you […]

A proposed weight loss plan

You don’t need to buy a gym membership or an expensive diet program to lose weight. All you need to do is have a plan and stick to it. First, make the decision that you are going to exercise every day. You can combine cardio and weight training in one exercise, or you can do cardio one day and weight […]