The benefits of physical therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder

In 2016, an estimated 1 in 45 children will be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with ASD can experience delays not only in social skills, but also in basic life skills necessary to successfully participate in their daily lives. Early intervention helps prepare these children to become successful adults, but it also helps prevent pain caused by physical […]

Exercise program for beginners to lose weight

Losing weight can be a daunting task. Where do you start? Basically, you should burn more calories in a day than you consume. Therefore, a good diet is important, combined with a proper exercise program. I’ll walk you through the things to consider when starting a beginner exercise program for weight loss and explain the different types of exercises you […]

Sally Ann Voak’s Chocolate Diets

The cover of The Chocolate Diet promised that the reader could eat chocolate and lose seven pounds in two weeks. Voak’s book contains questionnaires to determine if a person is addicted to chocolate and which of the six diets to follow. Each weight loss plan includes selections that match the calorie count of meals, strategies a person should follow, and […]

How good are low calorie diets?

The idea of ​​food is usually a great comfort to most of us, while the idea of ​​dieting to lose weight is somewhat heavy. However, we know that bodies that accumulate fat around vital organs are a mess. Fatty livers, for example, can lead to cancer, while other organs, such as the heart, can suddenly fail. Recent tests confirmed that […]

Decoding the Nutrition Facts Panel

As a food enthusiast and nutrition expert, I am always on top of what really goes into the food that I avidly devour on a daily basis. If you haven’t already, you should also take a closer look at what’s in your food. Not being aware of what is in your food and ultimately what you are putting into your […]