Treadmill Interval Training: A 45-Minute Challenge

Looking for a challenging interval workout on the treadmill that won’t leave you bored to tears? We have one for you! This forty-five minute interval session is ideal for runners. Let’s take a closer look … One of the biggest benefits of running on a treadmill is the controlled conditions. There is no wind, cold, scorching sun or excess humidity. […]

Pre- and Post-Workout Strategies for Kettlebell Training

Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition Strategies for Kettlebell Training The correct nutrition plan and timing of your meals or supplements before and after your workouts are some very important components to think about when training with kettlebells. This article will shed some light on these key factors and discuss some nutrition guidelines, so you can get to work when you do […]

Health tip: eliminate soda

Soft drinks contain sugar (in the form of high fructose corn syrup), caffeine, phosphoric acid, carbonated water with some flavors added to give them their distinctive flavor. Liquid calories You’re essentially consuming liquid calories, and generally speaking, we don’t adjust our food intake to account for these extra liquid calories; In short, drinking soda increases your calorie intake and can […]

Fat burning diet plan

An easy diet plan to help you in the New Year. Ok, we’ve all eaten and tasted Christmas cookies, everyone’s creations, and specialty cake and chocolate purchases. Remember that it is not polite to refuse a gift! On New Years Eve we had to make the champagne toast to bring in the New Year and once we get started it’s […]

Is Wild Salmon A Superfood For Weight Loss?

Wild salmon is a delicious dish that is often reserved for a special occasion. But this valuable source of protein really deserves a regular spot on your table. Salmon is a nutritional powerhouse and an ideal source of protein for those who are watching their weight or trying to lose a few pounds. It could even be considered a superfood […]

Weight loss: dos and don’ts

Weight loss journeys are tough, no matter where you start or how far you’ve come. At some point, most people have tried to lose weight and ended up quitting due to stagnation or inappropriate guidance. There are also seemingly endless weight loss hacks that advertise that they are the only thing you need to lose weight, which is simply not […]