A letter to my stepdaughter

Dear beautiful child, I want you to know that I didn’t always think it would work, you and me and your father. I didn’t always trust and have faith that I could be the person that you and he needed me to be. There were days when I failed miserably. There were times when I was resentful and took it […]

Cellulitis due to lymphedema: a major complication

Being a bacterial infection, cellulitis causes inflammation of the skin. For lymphedema patients, cellulite is a common occurrence and a complication they encounter very often. In patients suffering from lymphedema, the swelling leaves the skin stretched and therefore more vulnerable to all kinds of infections. Since the lymphatic system and the body’s immune system are closely related, any damage to […]

Why You Probably Don’t Have Toenail Fungus?

I’m a chiropodist or chiropodist (depending on where you live) and I feel the public needs to be educated away from some “health gurus”. Some of these health people are just the general public and some are unqualified doctors. I have no problem with other health professionals talking about foot care, I don’t, honestly, but you really have to give […]

My husband says he hates his life

Your husband said he hates everything about his life? During arguments, her husband always likes to say how much better off he would be if he didn’t commit to a marriage. He hates and complains about almost everything, like money, not having room to breathe, he’s sick of being scolded by him, etc. What does he mean? Is this a […]

Imperial Kalpa by Angelica Gorodischer, Translated by Ursula K LeGuin – A Little Known Gem

AngĂ©lica Gorodischer may be extremely famous in Argentina, but for me it was the name of Ursula K. LeGuin that made me start reading. By the time I finished “Kalpa Imperial” I was ready to look for more from Ms. Gorodischer, so if anyone is working on a translation, hurry up! “Kalpa Imperial–The Greatest Empire that Never Was” is a […]

A guide to clairvoyance

For some, however, the gift of seer remains and a percentage of people will develop this gift. In a clairvoyance guide we will examine the gift of clairvoyance by becoming a clairvoyant. Clairvoyance is the ability to see what is not seen or have the power to know or know realities, to see the different levels of the Astral Plane. […]

Types of massage therapy and the benefits

There are many different types of massage. If you’re looking to try therapy, you’ll need to research the various methods to determine which one is for you. Amatsu massage therapy focuses on the buildup of emotional and physical stress in the body as a result of past incidents. Amatsu therapists will use a variety of massage techniques to rebalance the […]