My mother-in-law is destroying my marriage: tips and advice that can help

Recently, I’ve started getting a lot of emails about in-laws (particularly mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law) who the writer perceives to be “trying to destroy my marriage” or “trying to drive a wedge between me and my spouse.” Often the writer (who is usually a woman) will tell me that the mother-in-law never liked her, never accepted her, and will never pass […]

Setting Up a Beauty Salon in Dubai

Setting Up a Beauty Salon Dubai is home to a vibrant beauty industry. The UAE is one of the largest markets for skincare and haircare. The market is expected to reach USD 3 billion in 2025, with the UAE’s growing Millennial and Gen Z population providing an increasing demand for services. There are several benefits of setting up a beauty […]

Health and wellness with a disability

Some people are disabled from birth, or soon after, so they only know life one way. Some people, however, become disabled due to an accident or some other factor and are suddenly faced with a new ‘normal’. Perhaps they lost a limb, became paraplegic, or suffered a stroke that left them in a wheelchair. Whatever the cause, if someone suddenly […]

Understanding vaginal yeast infections

Yeast infections are uncomfortable and itchy and many people don’t like to talk about them. They are quite common among women. About 75 percent of women will get a yeast infection once in their life. A smaller percentage may have recurrent or multiple cases. Yeast infections can happen at any time and to anyone. There are some things that can […]