Beauty tips for every age

As you age, your skin changes, as do your beauty products. Tinted moisturizer may have worked when you were a teenager, but it won’t be able to prevent wrinkles in your 30s. By the time you reach 40, you may even need to order reinforcements: cream, firming gel and a weekly beauty treatment. Look, that’s why people buy nice houses […]

juice for your blood type

Have you ever wondered why a particular diet works great for some people but not for others? Well now we know! Finnish scientists recently discovered that the molecules that cover the surface of blood cells and determine each person’s blood type receive energy from different nutrients. In other words, certain foods are better suited to certain blood types. Therefore, eating, […]

What is a thermometer?

Thermometer is a kind of instrument that you can use to measure your body temperature. You may have seen this device in hospitals where nurses and doctors use it to measure the body temperature of patients. Apart from this, they are also used to measure the temperature of food, water and air. Clinical or mercury thermometers are specifically designed to […]

How to save money on beauty products

One glance down the makeup aisle and you’re automatically drawn to the mystical fragrances and vibrant packaging. Before you know it, you’ll be walking away with new products and a hefty bill. We know you love your beauty products and deserve to be pampered. But don’t worry, here are some tips that will allow you to be the beauty queen […]