Pros and cons of eating chocolates

Hot chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate brownies and the list goes on forever, especially for chocolate lovers, but do you really know what these chocolate treats can do for your health? First, we will talk about the positive effects or, in other words, the advantages of eating these sweets. Scientific research has shown and proven that chocolates contain […]

Can Heartburn Last For Days?

When you have heartburn, sometimes the only thing that makes you feel better is knowing that it won’t last forever, right? Can heartburn last for days? If so, what should you do to help get rid of it? If you suffer from heartburn and are wondering how long it will last, you need to know a few things first. Knowing […]

12 reasons to visit Malta for a winter break

The winter weather can be schizophrenic in Malta. But, in general, the clouds over this small outcrop of an archipelago in the heart of the Mediterranean have their silver lights, since we can experience four seasons in one week. Another peculiarity of a Maltese winter is the difference in temperature between inside and outside; While northern Europeans take shelter indoors […]