Come on Bananas!

Eat a banana every day. All wrapped in its own fluorescent jacket, easy to eat, preferably with breakfast, anytime is good. For starters, they’re a bright, cheery color that is great to start your day with, and they’re fun-shaped that never fits in your lunch box, so you often end up eating it on the way to work. Bananas are […]

Get your life back after your breakup

A breakup is always an emotional moment. Losing your husband or wife after vowing to live happily ever after is always difficult and traumatizing, and it can seem much more important than when you are separated from a girlfriend or boyfriend, because there are property to divide, custody to determine, and alimony to pay. . But breaking up with a […]

Vibrators: what is a bullet vibrator?

One of the first vibrators to appear on the sex toy scene, the bullet vibrator remains a favorite, thanks to its versatility as a vibrator for the clitoris and vagina. A small and discreet sex toy, the bullet can be used against the clitoris or inserted vaginally for G-spot stimulation. A great option for those just starting their sex toy […]

5 Things To Do After You Are Diagnosed With Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States. Unfortunately, it is also the most mismanaged type of hypothyroidism. Most people diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease only receive thyroid hormone replacement, but they continue to suffer from the same symptoms. Here are five things every Hashimoto patient should do to help lessen their symptoms. Stop taking all […]

Exercise with mobility problems

Exercise is a great thing for everyone, disabled or not. It can help ease the symptoms of depression, relieve stress and anxiety, improve your outlook on life, and help boost your self-esteem. It works by releasing endorphins that allow you to feel much better, so don’t limit yourself if you have a disability. It can be a bit more difficult […]

Safe pregnancy for magical moms

In honor of the Great Mother and all mothers, I present this to you. Many herbs common in studies and magical practice are dangerous to use during pregnancy. Mugwort tea, for example, part of any standard divination ritual for many practitioners, will cause miscarriage (even late in pregnancy) and subsequent bleeding. Fortunately, most herbs are safe to handle in small […]

How to get rid of yeast infections

Do you want to know how to get rid of Candida infections? There are many techniques to get rid of this type of infection. Some methods of treating a Candida infection include homeopathic treatments. Homeopathic remedies are all natural treatments that help you develop natural immunities to Candida overgrowth. Homeopathic medicines that are used to treat Candida include things like: […]