
Dentists and Halloween: en "Canine" Tastic

Dentists love Halloween. Because it is on this night that they celebrate. Every time they see someone in a vampire costume complete with fangs, they are reminded of their calling. It is a little known fact, but many dentists choose their profession after watching movies like Dracula or Vamp and having the desire to fix those fangs. In fact, there are so many similarities between dentists and vampires that most dentists are surprised that people have never noticed the connection. See for yourself:

  • Like vampires that leave only two small bite marks when they’re done, dentists go about their work with little to no evidence of the procedure, thanks to advances in technology that make dental work virtually painless and worry-free.
  • Vampires are seen as mysterious creatures that sneak in at night, leaving their victims with no memory of the visit. Dentists can also do their work while patients sleep, thanks to the wonder of sedation dentistry.
  • After a vampire bites a victim, that person turns into a vampire and has fangs too. Dentists can also place temporary fangs on a patient, but they believe that people look better with straight permanent implants.
  • In the movies, after being bitten by a vampire, the victim appears happy and satisfied. When people leave the dentist and see their new smile, they feel the same pleasure.
  • Vampires lure their victims with promises of eternal life. Dentists attract their clients with opportunities for a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime.

So if you have long canine teeth that extend past the lips (or you just have an overbite), you don’t have to wait until Halloween to find out how they can help you. Consult your local dentist before you find yourself wandering the dark streets in search of blood (or candy).

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