
How to Get Rid of Lawn Mold and Keep It Away

If you discover patches of dead grass with white, gray, black, or pink mold, it’s time to take action and get rid of it. If left untreated, it will continue to spread and affect a larger area. Fortunately, getting rid of mold from your lawn is fairly easy to do, and by fixing the problem, you can also keep it away.

Types: Snow mold is the most common and there are 2 types: gray and pink. Gray snow mold only attacks the blades and is white and gray in color. Pink will also attack the crowns and starts off as an off-white color but changes to a pink color. Slime mold starts out slimy before turning into a powder. Rust looks like an orange powder on grass. There are more types, but this gives you a good idea of ​​what to look for. If you see any colored powder or slime, it’s lawn mold.

Remove: Give the affected area a good rake and mow the grass. Remove grass clippings immediately. The first reason for this is to get rid of the infection as much as possible. The second reason is to help dry out the area. These diseases love moisture, and leaving the cuttings behind would give it the perfect conditions to grow.

Aerate and stir: Straw also creates a moist surface, so if it’s more than half an inch, get rid of it. You’ve already raked, and that helps; aerating will help even more. Furthermore, aeration improves drainage and also keeps the surface drier. Lawn mold thrives on moisture; don’t give him what he wants

Let the sun pass: Shaded areas will always be prone to these diseases. Trim branches to let sunlight into the area. If this is not possible, consider planting a bed of shade-loving plants there.

Irrigation: I can’t stress enough that surface moisture is the enemy. Water early in the day so the sun and air have time to dry the leaves. Reduce how often you water and use more water for a deep soak. This will help the roots of the grass to grow deep and the plants will become healthier.

Nitrogen: Test your soil and find out its nitrogen levels. Snow mold is caused by too much nitrogen added to the lawn in late fall. That’s why August should be the last thing you add to your garden. Some types of lawn mold do well when there is very little nitrogen in the soil, so balance is key.

These simple things will heal your lawn. By raking the area, cleaning and aerating, you’ll improve things quickly. Cutting and removing all clippings will stop the spread of the disease. Drying out the surface, with better sunlight, adequate watering, and balanced nitrogen, will prevent it from coming back. It’s that easy to get rid of lawn mold and keep it away.

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