Digital Marketing

How to use your old posts to increase traffic

Updating and sharing old popular content has become one of the most widely practiced SEO tricks. SEO experts often approach the trick as a historical optimization. If you have a content library that received acclaim, you can easily attract a lot of new visitors, even if you created the old content without focusing on SEO. Over time most likely your blog followers have increased hence blog posts will gain more exposure. According to Internet growth statistics released in June 2014, the number of Internet users was 3,035 million and in March 2017, the number is 3,732 million. Looking at the statistics, it’s easy to assume that reissuing old posts can improve your exposure.

Once you update the blog with new information, it can increase the value of the post, resulting in better user engagement. Google’s algorithm considers bounce rate, average time on page, as important ranking factors. However, select with caution only those content that has contributed to generating a significant amount of traffic in the past. Just think, while scrolling through social media profiles, we came across thousands of posts, but we didn’t share them because we didn’t find them interesting or informative enough to share with friends. However, before we begin, here are some tips that you should follow to be successful in applying this hack:

• Perform a content audit to discern content that has generated a good amount of traffic and continues to drive traffic to your website.

• Optimize content by inserting the correct set of keywords to be search engine friendly.

• Identify relevant landing pages on your site and link to posts.

• Try to link the older posts to the newer ones, but make sure they can be related to them. In addition to improving the structure of internal links, this will also be useful to reduce the bounce rate.

You can choose to repost blog posts or share it again on social media sites, however, reposting here does not necessarily mean uploading the same content, it is about enriching the content by putting the latest information and enlightening the hearing about the changes that have occurred. in the niches. If you find that the old post no longer contains correct information due to changes or availability of findings that go against your previous posts instead of deleting the posts, consider writing a response post. Launch new posts with the synopsis of that previous post, and then proceed with crafting changes or the current scenario.

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