
How we can begin to free ourselves from certain self-imposed burdens

The third Monday in January in the United States is a date when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is honored. Yes, the man and what he sacrificed and gained is remembered for many, but what he is also supposed to be remembered and honored is our choice and our responsibility to act with and from a thought, emotion, word, action and Caring for ourselves and all who share our human experience.

This is what particularly struck me about the speech: “I have a dream that one day… the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood. ..and all of God’s children…will sing…’Free at last! Free at last!'” any form of oppression who are oppressed or enslaved, but also those who actively participate in or condone this practice or they perpetuate, through their ambivalence or ignorance, any form of oppression, whether in our personal lives or on a larger canvas. Whether individually or collectively, no one who controls or manipulates or oppresses, or seeks it (or allows it), is free, nor can it be, until they cease in such practices.

When someone seeks to control, manipulate, coerce, or unfairly treat another in any way, he or she is no freer than those who receive such treatment: the finer qualities of their true spiritual nature and humanity are blocked; practiced long enough, these qualities wither away. Individuals are or become slaves, oppressed by their own fears, insecurities, and immoral behaviors, recognized as such or not, locked in a mental-emotional cage of their own choice or choice. Deep down you know this imbalance exists, although your affected or afflicted ego aspects or psyches may try to dress this up in different clothes. As a result, they believe that the only thing that will alleviate this malaise or illness is to do more of the same to achieve their goal: feeling powerful enough to feel safe, whatever the cost and by any means.

Any individual, group or institution burdens and oppresses itself when it practices taking something from others, be it something tangible, dignity or basic rights, to improve or empower itself; or withholds what would benefit or uplift others; practice hate or ambivalence instead of Love, or oppression instead of honoring the Right of Free Will for all, that is, Free Will based on acting in accordance with Natural Laws and its Unifying Principle.

The premise of the Natural Laws and the Unifying Principle is that there are standards of right and wrong that do not depend on anyone deciding or decreeing what they are, that humans have an inherent understanding of these and the ability to recognize one from the other. for example, theft (of life, property, security) is wrong. The Universe is a spiritual construction designed by the Creator so that we have experiences, learn and grow in a Higher Consciousness. The more we practice this, the more we will all benefit. The less we practice this, the less we will all benefit.

The 7 Natural Laws, and their Unifying Principle, which are universal, so they do not recognize things like border lines, race, religion, social position or income brackets as exempt, are the following:

The Law of Mentalism: Thoughts are formed before any manifestation; therefore thoughts create things and conditions. We must be responsible for our own thoughts instead of thinking, speaking and acting from programming, especially faulty mental-emotional programming. We must recognize pathological thinking and behavior, including oppression of any kind, when we see it, so that we can address it and stop passing it on (teaching) it to subsequent generations.

The Law of Correspondence: The above is the same or similar to the following. The macrocosm and the microcosm mirror each other. As individuals are or behave, so will the collective be or behave. As the collective is or behaves, so will the individual be or behave. This is where the Law of Mentalism can help us: we have personal responsibility when it comes to our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions.

The Law of Vibration: There is no immobility or absolute rest; Everything moves. Everything vibrates. The Universe is pure vibratory energy that manifests itself in different ways. All matter is energy in a state of vibration; nothing is really solid. This means that everything changes, that everything is in a constant state of flux. Our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions are ultimately vibrations that create manifest experiences. We are meant to be responsible co-creators, about what we create or don’t create, change or don’t change.

The Law of Polarity: Everything has a dual nature, that is, it has its pair of opposites. However, opposites are identical in nature but different in degree, just as hot and cold are measures of temperature but different in degree. Skin color is a matter of degree of pigmentation; nothing more, nothing less: we are human beings. Any other (perceived) differences, including culture, are man-imposed, not the Creator.

The Law of Rhythm: Everything has its tides, its ups and downs. Rhythm compensates: the measure of the swing of the pendulum to the right is the same measure of the swing to the left. The rhythm is real, but not set in stone. The rhythm reveals tendencies; therefore, Consciousness can nullify a tendency.

The Law of Cause and Effect: Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause. Chance is what we call an unrecognized Law. No matter the cause, nothing escapes this Law. We have the Right to Free Will, but not to ignore the Natural Laws and the Unifying Principle without consequences. There is a time span to what is often called karma (you reap what you sow, what goes around comes around). And the effect is not always delivered to us individually, alone. The effect is also experienced by collective humanity, whether as a result of action or inaction, whether positive or negative.

The Law of Gender: Gender is in everything. Everything and everyone has their masculine and feminine principles. The highest form of this is to exercise the Sacred Masculine AND the Sacred Feminine together. The Sacred Masculine embodies the use of intellect, reason, and the principle of self-defense to protect ourselves and others when our or their Creator-Given Rights are infringed. The Sacred Feminine embodies creativity, intuition and the principle of non-aggression: do not steal another’s life, property or Rights; not to initiate violence or rape in any way over another.

The Unifying Principle that unites or encompasses the 7 Natural Laws: BEWARE. Care is the causal factor that generates creation. Care is what you give your attention to and nurture. How you focus your attention and what you feed into that attention generates experiences and results. Feed ignorance, apathy or oppression and you will feed more of each and ensure they grow. Feed true Awareness, common sense and Caring and you will feed more of each and ensure they grow. What matters to us on a daily basis acts as the driving force behind our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Care is the ultimate generator of the quality of our individual and collective experiences.

Our lives and the world are what they are because of how and how much we care or don’t care about doing what is required to effect change and improvement, including raising our Higher Consciousness, when and where it is needed. We can improve the quality of our attention by putting it into information that can improve our human and collective condition. We should ask ourselves what we spend our time on, what do we pay attention to, and what kind of quality, rather than just quantity, do we get in return. It is up to us to help ourselves and others by raising our Consciousness and helping others in any non-infringing way that can be done.

Larken Rose wrote: When everyone has the same misperception of reality, when everyone believes something that isn’t true, even something patently absurd, it doesn’t seem false or absurd to them. When almost everyone constantly repeats and reinforces a false or illogical idea, it rarely occurs to anyone to start questioning it. In fact, most people literally become incapable of questioning it, because over time it solidifies in their minds as a given, an assumption that needs no rational basis and doesn’t need to be analyzed or reconsidered, because everyone knows it. to be true… A belief so deeply held is invisible to those who believe in it. When a mind has always thought of something in one way, that mind will imagine evidence… It is extremely uncomfortable and disturbing, even existentially terrifying, for someone to question one of the fundamental assumptions on which their entire view of reality is based. and your entire moral code, has been based on it throughout your life… you will not find it easy or pleasant to contemplate the possibility that your entire belief system is based on a lie, and that much of what you have done throughout his life, as a result of believing he is lying, has been detrimental to himself, his friends and family, and humanity in general.

It is a burden to continue with faulty mental and emotional programs that run us, as individuals and as a collective, as if it is the only way we and life can be. It’s a burden trying to figure out how to stay ahead or just survive, when we know that life could and should be better and more equitable than it is. It is a burden to numb our thinking, feeling, intuition, and worry instead of improving it. It is a burden to have oppression of any kind (or slavery to anything or any idea, especially a false one) and oppressors. Dr. King dreamed of the day when oppressed and oppressors alike would say, “Free at last!”

We can begin to liberate ourselves by becoming aware of what we are doing and what is happening around us that we as a collective have imposed on ourselves by allowing or ignoring, and what we could be doing instead to make life a better experience. . . Edmund Burke said, “…all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” George Bernard Shaw said: “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” This requires something that Dr. King demonstrated: awareness, vision, and courage.

I have a dream too: a world where we allow ourselves and take personal responsibility to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong; a world where we care for and support each other; a world where no one goes hungry and has access not only to healthy food but also to healthier food; a world where no one goes without adequate housing and clean water; a world in which we strive for excellence in all we think, feel, say, and create, free from the concern of how to produce enough or enough to live on, but in a way that respects the rights of free will of all. they are exercised and enjoyed, on the basis that the Natural Laws are understood and practiced by all, from the true Wisdom and Higher Consciousness; a world where we practice Care. What could we create and experiment with that! It’s good practice, one you’ll appreciate.

Practice makes progress.

©Joyce Shafer

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