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What causes hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the normal amount of thyroid hormones is not produced. This can result in decreased metabolism, stunted growth, and a constant feeling of tiredness.

There are three types:

Primary, Secondary and Tertiary

Primary: This is due to a disease of the thyroid gland that prevents it from producing thyroid hormones.

One main type is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and damages the cells. Cell damage can also be caused by radioactive iodine therapy.

Secondary: This disease is due to a diseased pituitary gland

The function of the pituitary gland is to secrete the hormone which in turn stimulates the thyroid and is essential for the thyroid gland to function properly. If the pituitary gland is diseased, perhaps from surgery or a tumor, this will result in deficient formation of thyroid-stimulating hormone and therefore reduced production of thyroid hormones.

Tertiary: This is the result of insufficient synthesis of thyrotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus which controls the pituitary gland and then also controls the function of the thyroid gland.

Causes of hypothyroidism

There are many factors that can cause this disease.

Insufficient Dietary Iodine: Your diet will contain the number one source of iodine. If your diet is insufficient in iodine, you will suffer from this disease because thyroid hormones cannot be produced. The inflammation of the thyroid gland or goiter is also of another type. The swelling causes a lump in the front of the neck.

Hashimoto’s disease: This disease causes the body’s immune system to destroy the thyroid gland. Antibodies are produced by destroying cells.

Radiation Exposure: If you have been exposed to radiation, you may have hypothyroidism, which causes the iodine within your body to become radioactive as well. This radioactive iodine will concentrate in the thyroid gland and destroy its cells.

Pregnancy: Hypothyroidism is possible after pregnancy. The woman can develop thyroiditis after childbirth. Hopefully this will only be temporary, but in some cases it will be permanent.

High Iodine Intake – A low iodine intake as mentioned above can also be a cause, but unfortunately taking too much decreases iodine use. This function is called Wolff-Chaikoff.

Stress: Stress is another way that causes this disease where the hormonal balance in the body is affected. Adrenaline is released by stress and will cause changes in blood sugar levels that will alter thyroid function.

Cortisol – This is another stress hormone and will reduce the liver’s ability to get rid of estrogen, which is a major problem. If you have a high estrogen level, your levels of the active T3 hormone will drop. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that prevent hypothyroidism, so it is important that the correct amount is produced.

It is vitally important that you take all necessary precautions to prevent this disease.

Diet, medications, and your lifestyle can and will affect how well your thyroid gland works.

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