What You Need To Know About Viagra Interactions

Know About Viagra Interactions

Viagra is an amazing drug that when taken as directed provides a level of erection and sexual desire that most men would die for. Unfortunately, it also has the ability to wreak havoc in the body if not taken properly. This powerful little miracle pill can have very unpleasant side effects if taken in the wrong dosage or combination with other medications. There are two distinct groups of possible interactions that can occur with Viagra, both of which are very serious and may end up causing the loss of a life. Some of the more common side effects include low blood pressure, stiff or painful muscles, decreased libido, headaches, nausea, lightheadedness and vomiting.

The first category of possible interactions with Viagra involves low blood pressure. Some men who take Viagra experience low blood pressure or hypertension, which can cause flashing lights and pronounced ringing in the ears as well as fainting, dizziness and reduced vision. Some men who have these side effects do not immediately recognize them, which may make them more susceptible to another medication error. If hypertension is related to low blood pressure, then the patient should immediately notify his physician of the situation.


Other medications that have the potential to interact with Viagra to include anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety drugs. These are usually taken prior to or during or following any kind of physical activity. The potential problem with this type of medication is that they increase heart rate and blood pressure, which make them unsafe when working with Viagra. This group of medications also includes antidepressants, tranquilizers, alprazolam, and many different types of antihistamines. They may have side effects that include confusion, fainting, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, nausea, sweating, skin rash and even hallucinations.

Viagra Interactions

Taking an additional oral supplement can also increase the risk of interactions with Viagra. Common additives in dietary supplements that can interact with the medication are magnesium, ephedra and epinephrine. These are used to treat allergic reactions, high blood pressure, asthma and depression. They can actually cause a serious decrease in blood pressure by relaxing the arteries. A doctor may need to be involved to make sure that the doses of the additional medication will not interfere with the amount of Viagra that is already being consumed.

Patients taking medication for high blood pressure will also need to notify their physicians of any other prescription medications that they are currently taking. Many prescription medications, including the anti-clotting medications warfarin and heparin, also have the potential to interact with Viagra. Warfarin is used to treat very high blood pressure and can decrease the effectiveness of Viagra. Heparin is used to lower blood sugar levels and should not be taken with other medicines that are controlled by the kidneys such as diabetes medications.

Other common interactions may occur if a person is taking medications for depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, allergies or epilepsy. Some people experience difficulty sleeping while taking Viagra, which can lead to fatigue and sleepiness during the day. Some people experience nausea and diarrhea when taking Viagra. If these side effects are occurring, it is important that you notify your physician immediately and stop the medications immediately before they cause problems.

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