
My question to you: Why write an e-book?

If you are trying to decide between writing an e-book or a printed book (p-book), you don’t have to write either. Your may Do both! However, for those of us with time challenges, it’s easier and faster to finish your first e-book than your first print book, and less expensive.

Here’s why: Most reluctant writers can find the time to write a short ebook and upload it to Amazon faster than they can print a book. You see, an e-book can be quite short, 25-50 pages, easily uploaded to Amazon or other e-bookstores, and you can start making your e-book generate some income pretty quickly!

If you can commit to finishing an e-book in 6 weeks, 6 days, or 6 hours, you will be amazed at what you can do when you are committed and have eliminated your distractions, both internal and external. All that is required is strong commitment and discipline. So sit down and write. Remember that you can keep e-books shorter than p-books, but you can expand your e-book later, after receiving some feedback and reviews. Then you can turn it into a printed book. A 30 page ebook could become a 90 page p-book! Make all changes while it’s still an e-book! With Amazon, you don’t need an ISBN number for e-books, so you can delete it, make your changes, and put it back in. Not so with a p-book. Most publishers charge you each time you make changes and need to reprint.

Although e-books generally cost less than p-books, they are cost-effective because their costs are lower since you don’t have to deal with printing and distribution. You will have to pay mainly for the editing, the cover and the formatting / conversion. Since e-books cost less than print books, between $ 99 and $ 9.99, authors continue to make good profits and can sell more. People don’t think of spending $ 2.99 on an ebook, whereas they don’t spend $ 19.99 that fast on a p-book!

Additionally, e-books tend to be targeted at niche markets, with many new authors planning to write a series of short e-books for various niche markets. As dog training for poodles, dog training for collies, etc. Or you could buy your house for newlyweds, empty nests or retired. It’s the chicken soup phenomenon.

Have I convinced you to write your ebook?

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